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  • Samson Omale

Nigeria Receives 3.94 Million Doses of AstraZeneca Vaccine

Nigeria on Tuesday received 3.4 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

Nigeria is the third country to receive vaccines through the WHO-administered cooperative COVAX vaccine program.

Nigeria is the third country to receive the vaccine in Africa after Ghana and Cote d’voire from the COVAX facility, launched in April 2020 to ensure fairer distribution of the coronavirus vaccine between rich and poor nations.

A total of two billion doses is expected to be delivered to COVAX member nations by the end of 2021 and the 3.94 million doses

is Nigeria’s first shipment from the 16 million doses initially expected in the country.

The 3.94 million doses of vaccine was licenced by the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer, the Serum Institute of India as part

of an initial tranche of deliveries headed to several low and middle-income countries which Nigeria is part of.


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